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April Spring Meeting Board Minutes

Board Meeting, April 1, 2023, 1:00 pm

President: Kelly Beaubien, Vice President: Amy Sommer, Treasurer: Sharon Murch, Secretary: Maitlyn Smith, Directors at Large: Rebecca Rett, Zara Wright, Taylor DeBlair, Youth Director: Katie Moseley, Dressage Secretary: Kim Winger

Meeting called to Order at: 1:14 pm

Board Attendance: Sharon, Maitlyn, Rebecca, Zara, Taylor, Katie, and Kim.

Board Absent: Amy will not be here.

Members Present: Steve Sommer, Georgia Palmer, Tyler Smith, Jen Henderson, Monica Krentz

Members through Zoom: Brenda, Tina.

Secretary Report:

I. Review meeting minutes from previous month

a. All approved via email by board members before meeting and uploaded to the EMAA site.

Treasurer/ Financial Manager Report:

I. Account Balance (April 1, 2023) = $32,652.76

II. Pending Transactions

a. Deposits = memberships through PayPal $96.42

b. Payments = $175 (Webmaster) + $150 (Financial Mgr.)

III. Uncashed Checks = $200 (memorial donation for Kevin) + $500 (ICF additional annual deposit)

IV. Office fee was increased from $5 to $10

President Report:

  1. Parking at Mason

    1. No parking anywhere but at the campsites or outside of the fence.

      1. You are allowed 2 vehicles per camping slot.

    2. Friday and Sunday there is a short leeway time to unpack and pack up

      1. We will post on Facebook and place this information on the newsletter/meeting minutes

    3. There needs to be cones to stop traffic from driving past the main entrance of the arena.

  2. Showmanship Friday night we will be adding a novice combo for dressage.

    1. More info will be put into the newsletter

    2. Allows for new levels to move up into.

  3. Sponsorships

    1. There will be 3 levels of sponsorship opportunity posted on website

      1. Bay - single class or one class for all shows

        1. 1 sold

      2. Chestnut - end of year high pint award only 5 available

        1. 3 sold

      3. Celebration - goes towards cost of banquet - Get 2 bay sponsorships with this as well.

        1. 2 sold

  4. Youth Facebook Page

    1. Place to express thoughts for kids and sell clothes/saddles only for the youth.

  5. Scholarships

    1. Possibly doing $250 - $500

    2. Looking for feedback to get this going.

  6. Banquet Award Pick Up

    1. Someone must pick it up and we will no longer be saving them or mailing them. They will be donated back to EMAA.

    2. Prizes will be distributed in a table style one for 1st one for 2nd

    3. Banquet is November 4th

    4. All prizes have been purchased for the year.

  7. How did you hear about the meeting?

    1. Responses were: Email, a friend, Facebook, and a board member.

Show Office Manager Report:

  1. All forms are uploaded to the website.

  2. Versatility forms were passed out to members present.

Youth Director Report:

  1. See above

Committee Reports:

  • Judges- Amy – None

  • Show Bill- Rebecca – Posted online

  • Ribbons- Mattie – None

  • Dressage- Kim – See President's report.

  • Points- Kim/ Rebecca – None

  • Suggestion Box- Kelly - Now will be emailed to Kelly

  • Camping- Zara – Reservations mandatory to camp, Locked boxes are still happening, Saturday before the show reservations will close, 1st come 1st serve. Map will be posted similar to the stall chart.

  • Banquet- Zara/ Kelly - See President's report.

  • Sponsorships- Taylor – See President's report.

Old Business:

  1. See the President's report.

New Business:

  1. Tyler Dropped all of the EMAA dressage equipment and gates off at Kelly's Farm during the meeting.

Adjournment: @ 1:53 pm

Zara Made a motion to adjourn

Steve Sommer 2nd to adjourn


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