August Newsletter
President's Letter
Dear Members,
What I always find so interesting about our Shiawassee show is that while it always seems to be the least attended, Members always seem to have the fondest memories from that particular show year after year. I will admit, being a Mason resident, I am quite spoiled living just ten minutes from the Ingham County Fairgrounds. The thought of attending a show at Shiawassee feels so far away to me. And yet there is something about the environment at our July Shiawassee show that brings a different feel to the experience. I’m not sure if it’s the peaceful background of trees and nature, the immaculately kept flowerbeds and planters, or the different sense of community that is created by the camping layout. Whatever the difference is, all I know is that for every comment I get about the indoor arena being undesirable, I hear just as many positive and fond memories of Shiawassee always being everyone’s favorite show.
As usual, we had a significant decrease in participation for the July show, with a total of 102 horses attending and 799 entries. But I wanted to highlight a few awesome contributions from you, the members, that proves what an amazing community of people we have in our membership. For about four years now, we have participated in Tribute’s Partners Program, which provides the club with sponsorship money for every Proof of Purchase we mail in. I am pleased to say that the word has finally spread enough where members are remembering to bring those little labels back to me and we collected the most at this last show! Our current balance for the year is almost $800! That’s a lot of labels returned and a great contribution to our banquet from Tribute!
Our Youth Director, Katie Mosley, has also done a fantastic job with our Youth Can Drive so far this year, with the Shiawassee show bringing in the greatest quantity of cans to date. A special thank you is owed to Kaylyn Mynsberg for driving home in the middle of the show and returning with the entire bed of her truck filled with pop cans to donate! While Katie still has bags at home to return, Sharon and I both took truckloads of cans back to Meijer and that contribution equaled $78.60 so far! Thank you to our members who dropped their empty cans in our designated Youth Can Drive Containers and took part in this fundraiser. Every little bit counts!
The close of summer and back to school season approaches so fast, and with that will be our final show in September. While I know some of you have been busy at Class A and Regional shows, many are eagerly awaiting our final show as a last hurrah for the season. I want to wish each and every one of you great rides and practices over the next few weeks! If you follow EMAA on Facebook and are a 2023 Member, please be sure to check out the poll we have posted to decide on the theme of our Year-end Banquet. Winners of any 2022 Perpetual Trophy- its time to return those for the next lucky winner to receive! Please carefully package the trophy in its provided packaging and return it to the show office at our September show. If you have any interest in Sponsoring a Year-End Perpetual Trophy, please contact one of our boarder members for guidelines and ideas.
Looking forward to a successful final show of our 2023 season!
Kelly Beaubien
Eastern Michigan Arabian Association
Special Thanks to Some Outstanding People!
EMAA would like to extend an extra special thank you to:
3K Performance Horses for sponsoring the Friday night Youth Boot Cleaning Event
Liz Respondeck and Valaan Farm for Sponsoring the Exhibitor Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning
If you or your barn/group is interested in sponsoring an event at one of our shows, please contact a Board Member today! We’d love to hear your ideas on extra special fun things to be offered at our show.
Special Reminders to our Members:
The Youth Activity for this show will be the annual Costume Contest! Grab a group of friends or make it a date with just your trusty Steed. Let’s show our judges the most creative costume ideas yet!
Camping and Stall reservations are due the Saturday before the show! The best way to ensure you get the spot you prefer is to get those reservations in early! Camping spots will still be available without a reservation, but you may be limited to a space without water or electrical hook-up.
Please sign up for your dressage ride time through Sign-up genius on the link provided through our website. Any questions regarding dressage should be directed to our Dressage secretary Kim Winger.
Be sure to check out our facebook page and cast your vote for the 2023 Banquet theme! We’ve got some great options to choose from this year but we need your vote!
Winners of any Perpetual Trophies from the 2022 Banquet- Please package them in the provided packaging and return them to the show office! We’re excited to be able to share these lovely trophies with this year’s winner!
It is with a heavy heart, but great pride that EMAA will be henceforth offering a new perpetual year-end award:
Kevin Tersigni “Voice of EMAA” Memorial Award, 2023
Kevin Tersigni was involved with EMAA for 20+ years, starting when his children were just youngsters. He began announcing for our shows many years ago, becoming known as the “Voice of EMAA.” He always started our show mornings with an announcement of “Good morning EMAA!” He was also known for sneaking in funny phrases such as, “canter or lope your horses, or cantaloupe your horses.” Kevin always had a word of encouragement as exhibitors passed the announcers booth, reminding them to breathe and smile. Some quotes from EMAA exhibitors include many fond memories, including:
“God Gained an Angel today. Always looked forward to seeing and hearing his voice announcing. He just brought fun and a calm with his presence. He will be dearly missed.” – Amy Sommer
“Some of my families best memories are filled with his voice coming over the loud speaker in the background” -Stephanie Koby

Kevin always looked forward to horse show weekends, spending time and having fun with his extended EMAA family. He lived life to the fullest, enjoying the moment, and cherishing memories created. He had a kind and gentle spirit along with a contagious sense of humor. When Kevin was diagnosed with cancer over 5 years ago, he faced this challenge with courage and a strong faith with his family’s support. He stayed positive through this battle, persevering every step of the way. He was an example of facing struggles head on until the end, a true inspiration to all who knew him. Kevin was a loving husband, wonderful father and grandpa, and dear friend to the EMAA family. He is missed terribly, will be remembered for everything he was to us, and will continue to be in our hearts.
This award honors a rider's sportsmanship and perseverance, either nominated or board-appointed over the season. True sportsmanship is considered with proper consideration for fairness, ethics, respect, and a sense of fellowship with one’s competitors. It is never a single act or deed, but rather an attitude of teamwork, selfless contribution, and support of others. A true sportsman does not compete to promote himself or herself. They compete for the joy of the sport, respect for their fellow competitors and love of the Arabian Horse. Nominations must include the name of one such deserving member and a brief summary reflecting how the nominee meets the above criteria. All nominations can be emailed to the Board of Directors.

If you are planning to attend one of our three shows held at Ingham County Fairgrounds, please note that new parking restrictions have been put in place this year and will be strongly enforced.
General parking throughout the weekend should be done in the gravel lots to the east of the main arena and barns. Two vehicles are permitted at each campsite, but no other parking is allowed near the barns on in the midway (grassy area near dressage ring). There will be absolutely no trailer parking within the fenced area of the grounds unless camping. Please understand that these are guidelines we are being asked to follow directly from the fairgrounds. Failure to follow these parking guidelines will result in fines or your vehicle being towed.
Message from the Fairgrounds:
In an effort to minimize the impact of events on the grounds, please understand the parking lots are available for use during your event. Two cars are permitted to park in the campground during your event. All other vehicles and trailers should be parked in the designated parking lots on the east side of the grounds on the outside of the fenced in perimeter of the Fairgrounds. All vehicles that are parked in no parking zones will be subject to $25 fines. No parking zones include but are not limited to: areas surrounding the barns, the midway road or midway grass, around or in front of pavilions.
Please plan ahead and save yourself money!!
Remember to pay for your shavings prior to Sunday of the show or the cost per bag will increase. Please see the chart below for pricing on shavings. If you have any questions about ordering shavings, please contact Crestview Tack Shop!

What’s New with Camping?
Although much is the exact same as previous years, there a couple of changes I want to go over in regards to Camping.
First and foremost, I think it would be good to clarify a couple of things. Camping Reservations are mandatory, just as stall reservations are. Camping Reservations will close the Saturday before the show. If you need a camping spot after this, you will be assigned a site in the Non- Reserved Designated Camping Area. This will be sites 91-98 at Ingham County Fairgrounds. If you do not submit a reservation form ahead of time and are assigned a non-reserved spot at the show, there will be an additional $10 fee.
You will also notice that the Reservation Forms have been updated on the website as well. Specifically, the ICF Form has a much easier to understand map that I put together for the ease of our Exhibitors. At the shows, there will be a map posted at the office as well as all of the assigned spots of our exhibitors. I will be posting the assigned spots on the Facebook page before the start of the show, as well. In previous years I have emailed every exhibitor/camper individually, but I will no longer be sending individual emails. I believe having the maps posted makes it easier on all of us.
Finally, EMAA asks that the name on the reservation must be the person responsible for the cost of that site of the given weekend. You may still reserve in groups as you have, but it must be given the paying party’s information.
I am so excited to get this show season started!! As always, I am here via text, call or email if you ever have any questions or concerns. Let’s have a great year everyone!
2023 Sponsors
Thank you to our current Sponsors for the 2023 Season!
If you are interested in advertising your business and supporting EMAA, please contact Director at Large, Taylor DeBlair. The three different level of sponsors offer opportunity for your business to be mentioned at the shows, as well as posted on the website and Facebook page.
What does EMAA mean to me?
"A short letter of gratitude from my best friend and I" by Tara Lamrouex
I am a new member to the organization. I entered into the association after hearing so many great things from the Michigan Arabian/HA community. But it was after attending my first EMAA (as a spectator), and watching my friend Alexis Fenger that I decided I found “My People”. EMAA, is one of a kind and it brings back memories of what the horse community once was. While being competitive you find there is a unity and support group that keeps the environment exciting, and yet incredibly warm and welcoming. I have a bit of a medical nightmare going on with myself and my 4 year old, Rowan. The 3 shows I attended brought me immense peace with my circumstance, and I was able to forget about all the scary moments for those 3 days. EMAA and its members were not just about ribbons and politics, but genuinely good people that have created an event where the Arabian/ HA can be admired, and families can enjoy them together. Not many horse communities are so welcoming to young children, and as a mother to young children I really appreciate the fact that children welcomed and embraced. The children are the future of the Arabian breed, and it is of utmost importance we encourage and help keep that excitement in their heart.
So, what does EMAA mean to me? That answer is relatively simple to me - it means a full heart and place that brings the horse community back to what matters, and that is a beautiful thing! This was my young horse’s (Great Django - DHH/KWPN x Arabian) first year competing and I know I picked the perfect place to start him out. He loved doing various in hand classes and the accommodations for our horses were amazing. Our Purebred Arabian (EA A major Elagenz) also attended EMAA 3 and did a couple dressage classes. The only drawback I found from EMAA was that I did not have enough horses to enjoy more classes (I was chomping at the bit to do Native Costume and Show Hack)! I have my ribbons hanging in my living room that we obtained in our classes this year, and I find they are a warm reminder of some epic memories from this show season. Some of the best memories I have created were from EMAA 2023 season! Thank you to all the board members, volunteers, and members for what you gave all of us this season, and I hope you all know how truly appreciated you are!