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February Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting, February 13, 2023, 7:30 pm

President: Kelly Beaubien, Vice President: Amy Sommer,

Treasurer: Sharon Murch, Secretary: Maitlyn Smith,

Directors at Large: Rebecca Rett, Zara Wright, Taylor DeBlair

Youth Director: Katie Moseley, Dressage Secretary: Kim Winger

Meeting called to Order at: 7:33 pm

Attendance: All others present

Absent: Katie M. will be late, Rebecca Rett will not be here.

Secretary Report:

I. Review meeting minutes from previous month

a. All approved via email by board members before meeting and uploaded to the EMAA site.

Treasurer/ Financial Manager Report:

I. Account Balance (Feb. 13, 2023) = $33,988.31

II. Pending Transactions

a. Deposits = $84.40 (PayPal membership)

b. Payments = $250 (webmaster/financial mgr.)

III. Payments = $6209.46 (banquet/bank fee/webmaster/financial mgr.), $8512.32 (Ribbons/bank fee)

IV. Zoom Renewal

a. Sharon motion to renew zoom, Zara 2 nd , and all approve.

V. Shiawassee “per day” stall fee clarification

a. Sharon will call

President Report:

I. Schedule Spring Meeting

a. No update until a location and date confirmed. Rebecca is not available.

II. Newsletter

a. Mattie and Amy will be sending a board member letter to Kelly to

post in the next newsletter.

b. Looking to get letters from members to put in the newsletter or fun

facts to add.

c. Kim mentioned we should update the photos on the website

III. Email voting procedure

a. If email voting is done there should be a 72-hr. email but a few

members cannot always look at it quickly. Board decided if there is

an email to send the notification in the text group to check the email.

IV. VIP Parking at Mason

a. We will not offer VIP parking at Ingham County shows, this will be

addressed at the next meeting.

b. Amy and Maitlyn will be contacting other organizations to talk about


V. Stall Disassembly

a. The wording is the same in our contract as last year. Sharon will ask if

there can be a go to contact person to disassemble the stall.

VI. Food and Retail Vendors

a. We will continue using Dawn for a food vendor and the retail charges

will be discussed at the next meeting after discussion with other


VII. Review and vote on payment schedule and advertising rates

a. Sharon motion to approve, Amy 2 nd , all approved.

b. Tyler Smith will be the trail manager and set up for the shows.

c. Ask announcer, and gate people if they can work Fridays at 3 pm

i. Announcer said he can do Friday 1/2 day and the rest of the weekend.

ii. $50 Friday announcing, ingate will be an extra $ 37.50

VIII. Review Rules and Regs

a. Remove the gymkhana and novice from it.

b. Mattie added this to the google drive so all board members can edit.

c. Kelly motion to add good sportsmanship rule 32 from the MI 4-H rule

book, Zara 2nd , all approved.

d. Sharon makes a motion to add rule 34 relating to treatment of horses

from the MI 4-H rule book, Zara 2nd , all approved.

e. Board members will do a final review by the end of the week and not

changes in the google document.

Show Office Manager Report:

I. Show Bill Proposal

a. A few classes will be moved around and then Rebecca will send out a

final draft for approval by Friday.

Youth Director Report:

I. Needs a budget for events to know what is possible.

Katie will be starting the new youth Facebook group and will have it up by the spring meeting.

Committee Reports:

  • Judges- Amy – No update yet, Dressage judges all set, and just need to be posted on the website.

  • Show Bill- Rebecca – not present

  • Ribbons- Mattie – Ribbons are ordered for the show, numbers/ribbons were double checked by Kelly and Rebecca

  • Dressage- Kim – no updates

  • Points- Kim/ Rebecca – no updates

  • Suggestion Box- Kelly - no updates, will be added to the newsletter for march

  • Camping- Zara – no updates

  • Banquet- Zara/ Kelly

  • Sponsorships- Taylor – Draft was sent out to board. Looking to get approval for the different sections. The board will continue to look at the proposals and bring it back up at the next meeting.

Old Business:

I. Results of Banquet survey

a. Food was the main issue noted

b. Large amount of people would like to stay at the same location just

change the food options

c. Most people want banquet awards not paybacks

d. Most will be willing to pay $24-30 or $35-40

e. Most want the membership to vote on the theme and add the DJ


f. Most come to banquet to hang with friends and get their prizes

New Business:

I. Open Discussion – none

Adjournment: @ 10:11 pm

Mattie made a motion to adjourn

Amy 2nd to adjourn


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