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March & April Newsletter


Hello, EMAA!

As your newly elected President, I would like to be the first to welcome all our members new and old to EMAA show season 2021. I would also like to thank all the board members current and past for getting our association to where we are today. We couldn’t be here getting ready for our May show to kick off without everyone’s efforts.

With all the new changes in how we live our day to day lives, there is also some changes in how we need to show. Everything you will need to know is in this newsletter so make sure to read it all. There are changes in where we show, new show bill this year, and when we can get there. I know I’m just as excited as everyone else is so let's do our best to have a great year.

I’m a pretty straight forward guy that likes a straight answer to my questions as I’m sure all of our members do too, so feel free to drop an email if you have any questions. Just looking at our membership roster, as of now we have lots of new members which I love to see. Please don’t be afraid to submit a member spotlight write up, so we can get to know people better as well. My own spotlight as well as new director at large Zara will be in this newsletter as well.

Thank you,

Tyler Smith, President




  1. Keep your distance.

  2. Masks on! Don’t ruin it for everyone.

  3. No extra spectators there is a 300-person capacity.

The Health Department has been to shows making sure people are following guidelines! The EMAA Board has been advised to track the MDHHS Epidemic Orders specifically the section “Gatherings and Face Mask Order” (currently, the most recent orders are under the May 6 link) then follow: Section 3- Gathering restrictions for entertainment facilities, recreational facilities, and food service establishments.

Currently, everyone must be wearing a mask at all times except when eating or drinking; masks are not required when on horseback.

Early move in for Mason, Thursday starting at 2pm

  1. Stall reservations must be paid in full. No questions about location. You must be on the stall chart that is posted online.

  2. Campers may be dropped off/parked, but not plugged in until Friday after 2 pm or you will be charged an additional day.

  3. Use of extra stalls is not permitted. We will be charged per stall! That means no putting your extra hay in an empty stall, parking your wheelbarrow, or bike in a stall you haven’t paid for!

As of now we still have found no food vendor for our shows so please prepare in advance.


During the first show, the youth activity will be games on horseback. This will be 1 hour after the show ends on Saturday. It will be split by age and fun for all!



March 10, 2021. 7:00 pm, virtual meeting

Meeting Facilitator: Tyler Smith, President

Invitees:, Allison Jones (secretary), Kelly Beaubien (director at large), Jennifer Henderson (vice president), Sharon Murch (treasurer), Rebecca Rett (director at large/show office manager), Kim Winger (dressage secretary), Danielle Maser (youth director), Zara Wright (director at large)

1. Call to order @ 7:04pm

2. Roll Call

  • Attended: Tyler, Jen, Kelly, Sharon, Rebecca, Kim, Dani

  • Absent: Allison, Zara

3. Secretary’s Report/Review of minutes from last meeting

  • Jen - MOTION to approve, seconded

4. Old business

  • Food trucks

    1. $250 vendor fee cost prohibitive for most vendors we have reached out to.

    2. Kelly located a food truck that would be willing to do a $125/$125 split for May show as a trial. Offered b-fast, lunch and dinner. Wants exclusivity, however ok with a dessert type vendor coming in.

    3. Jen will reach out to Cupcake bus. Kelly will reach out to the ice cream truck.

  • Judges?

    1. Potential judges have been contacted for all 4 shows, awaiting contracts before releasing names.

    2. Judging committee working between 2019 and 2020 approved budgets/past costs.

    3. Hotel for Sunday nights discussed for out of state judges

  • Covid waiver

    1. Sharon sent out and was waiting to hear back from insurance . We will have all exhibitors sign and place in file with membership form.

  • Show responsibility questions?

    1. Jen will get with Rebecca about a stamp for file audits.

  • Show announcer details

    1. Aaron/Tony Smith will assist and take over announcer responsibilities if Kevin is unable to do them. Same fees as Kevin. Hotel/ Camping paid if not used by Kevin

  • Judges main ring / dressage

    1. Judges contacted – awaiting contracts before releasing names

5. Treasurer’s Report

  • Chase Balances

    1. Jan. 30 – Feb. 26: $29,354.89 – $29,397.40

      • Feb. 28, 2020 balance was $32,001.35

ii, Feb. 27 – Mar 10: $29,397.40 - $29,305.91

  • 2021 Memberships: 50 Adult, 16 Youth

  • Miscellaneous

    1. All venue contracts signed

    2. Security contracts for all venues signed

    3. Hotel reservations for all venues reserved

    4. Needing concessions vendor for Ingham County Fairgrounds & possibly Shiawassee as 4-H is not yet meeting

  • 2021 Dates

    1. Mason (EMAA I) – May 21-23, 2021

    2. Mason (EMAA II) - June 18-20, 2021

    3. Shiawassee (EMAA III) – July 16-18, 2021

    4. Mason (EMAA IV) – Sept. 10-12, 2021

    5. Banquet: Nov. 6

6. Show Office Managers Report

  • Show forms were sent to Kait- not posted to the website yet.

  • We are awaiting Kait's new website build to be sent to us as sample hoping for end of March

7. Show Managers Report N/A

8. Youth Directors Report N/A

9. Committee Reports

  • Judges: Jennifer Edwards-Chair.

    1. discussed above

  • Show Bill Rebecca Rett- Chair – n/a

  • Member spotlight: Allison Jones

    1. Sent to Kait

  • Ribbons: n/a

  • Points: Kim Winger-Chair n/a

  • Suggestion Box, Camping Policy, and Trail: n/a

  • Banquet/gymkhana Dani Maser-Chair n/a

  • Dressage-Kim Winger-Chair n/a

  • Charity Challenge for youth-Kelly Beaubien-Chair

    1. Discussed holding off on this until 2022 – all in agreement.

10. New business

  • Spring meeting

    1. VIA ZOOM. schedule for Sunday 4/18/21 at 4pm. Zoom Link to be posted closer to event. Members only. will place on website and FB post. Must purchase membership to be allowed into Zoom meeting. Up to 100 people allowed .

  • Face to face board meeting locations

    1. Not at this time due to restrictions in restaurant . 50% allowed, must be spread out – no saving meeting rooms

    2. Sharon presented $149.99 membership for Zoom. Unlimited meetings, 100 people per meeting allowed. Can be used by all EMAA board members for committee meetings, etc.

      • Motion to purchase this membership made by Jen, Second

      • Unanimous vote made to approve purchase .

      • We will purchase closer to April board meeting.

  • What info do we want on the facebook page

    1. Tyler and Jen or other board members as directed, to make informational posts as discussed.

  • Taxes

    1. Sharon working with accountant on this.

11. Adjournment: 8:28 pm Motion by Jen. Seconded

April 14, 2021, 7:00 pm

Meeting Facilitator: Tyler Smith, President

Invitees: Allison Jones (secretary), Kelly Beaubien (director at large), Jennifer Henderson (vice president), Sharon Murch (treasurer), Rebecca Rett (director at large/show office manager), Kim Winger (dressage secretary), Danielle Maser (youth director), Zara Wright (director at large)

1. Call to order 7:19 pm

2. Roll call

  • Allison Jones, Jen Henderson, Sharon Murch, Rebecca Rett, Kim Winger, Dani Maser, Zara Wright, Tyler Smith, Kelly Beaubien

4. Secretary’s Report/Review of minutes from last meeting

  • Approved via Email: Motion to approve - Rebecca, seconded

5. Old business

  • Food trucks scheduled for the first show

    1. Original vendor is no longer available

      • Looking into other food trucks. May need to only have a food truck for part of the day Saturday and part of the day Sunday

    2. May need to look into take-out orders for Judges

    3. Food for show staff

    4. Snacks and beverages for show staff

  • Judges contracts

    1. Main ring judges need to be sent out

5. Treasurer’s Report

  • Chase Balances

    1. Feb. 27 – Mar. 31: $29,397.40 - $29,189.31

      • Mar 2020 balance was $32,888.99

ii. April 1 – April 14: $29,189.31 - $28,952.17

  • 2021 Memberships: 57 Adult, 21 Youth

  • Miscellaneous:

    1. Judge contracts are still in process (MR and 1 DR)

    2. Insurance policies for the shows in process

    3. Needing concessions vendor for Ingham Cty Fairgrounds & possibly Shiawassee as 4H is not yet meeting

    4. Zoom license purchased for EMAA meetings (100 participant max) – 25% discount $112.42 (vs $149.90) + tax

    5. Many price increases have been identified for 2021 (venues, security, insurance) however EMAA only raised the camping from $45/weekend to $50/weekend

    6. At both venues, we are being charged by the stall; please do not use an empty stall for ANYTHING or EMAA will be charged for it and whoever is using it may also be charged for it.

    7. Pandemic Update: The EMAA Board has been advised to track the MDHHS Epidemic Orders specifically the section “Gatherings and Face Mask Order” (currently, the most recent orders are under the March 19 link) then follow: Section 3- Gathering restrictions for entertainment facilities, recreational facilities, and food service establishments.

      • Currently, everyone must be wearing a mask at all times except when eating or drinking; masks are not required when on horseback

6. Show Office Managers Report

  • Getting show set up in GaitKeeper

  • Forms completed and on website

7. Show Managers Report N/A

8. Youth Directors Report

  • Will try to plan an activity on horses to help with social distancing

9. Committee Reports

  • Judges: Jennifer Edwards-Chair

a. May Show: Main ring- David Mikosz , B judge- Taylor Fabus

  • Motion to approve Jen, Seconded, voted all in favor

b. June Show Main ring- Juli Goder Larson , B Judge- Dustin Boehmer

  • Motion to approve Dani, seconded, voted all in favor

c. July Show Main ring- TBA B judge- Courtney Dupras

  • Motion to approve Dani, seconded, voted all in favor

d. Sept Show Main ring- Corky Sutton, B judge Rick Barnes

  • Motion to approve Kelly, seconded, voted all in favor

  • Show Bill Rebecca Rett- Chair

  • Member spotlight: Allison Jones

  • Ribbons:

  • Points: Kim Winger-Chair

  • Suggestion Box, Camping Policy, and Trail: Zara

  • Banquet/gymkhana Dani Maser-Chair

  • Dressage-Kim Winger-Chair

    1. June Show 3 day judge had to cancel

      • Proposed Glenda Warner

        1. Motion to approve Allison, seconded, voted all in favor

ii. All other dressage judge contracts have been sent back

iii. Getting Signup Genius ready for first show

  • Charity Challenge for youth-Kelly Beaubien-Chair

10. New business

  • Website

    1. A couple of minor updates but otherwise looks good

    2. Motion to have website go live with edits, Approved -Dani, seconded, voted all in favor

  • Office have all the new files for members?

  • Loose ends before show time

  • Spring meeting topics

  • Review all health department guidelines for first show

  • new member awareness pertaining to early arrivals possibility of limiting tack stalls if needed?

    1. Motion to allow members to trailer in on Thursday after 2pm of show weekend, Approved-Zara, Seconded, voted all in favor

11. Adjournment 9:56 Motion Dani, Seconded




Allow me to start by introducing myself. I am Tyler Smith, as your newly elected President I feel there is no better time to help our members to get to know me a little better. Where did I get my start with horses? Some of my earliest memories revolve around the equine world. Whether it was riding my pony around my parents half mile race track or falling off that same pony on that same track yelling at my brother “I told you I should drive”.

Before I started my show career, I had ridden all over the US trail riding with my family. I started showing Arabians in 4-H with my first mount being my mom’s chestnut gelding Fire Prynce. He lived up to his name having that fire I now look for in all my Arabians. As years passed, I received my first Arab I could call my own, that many members know, Raze-N-Khayne. We have been through more than I can remember from trails in the Smokey Mountains to high school equestrian team states and eventually my first EMAA show in 2003.

Many years and many shows later, I now have a perfect wife (Maitlyn) and two boys (Wyatt and Wesson) who all can't wait until show weekends. Many of you also know my family also shares in the EMAA experience like my sister Dani (youth director) her two kids (Austin and Sami), and my brother (Tony) who you see assisting Kevin in the announcers booth with his daughter Neva in the show ring. Last but not by any means the least the most influential people by the show ring my parents Aaron and Janie. they have been the support system that kept this horse show dream alive. From many late nights in the practice ring when I drove home from college in Indianapolis on a Friday night to the early mornings in the wash rack they are the ones who were there for me getting my start.

I now work to fund this wild dream as a diesel technician in Jackson at MDP sales, service, and fleet. Also working my second job on the family farm, weather it's baling hay in the summers to plowing snow in the winters. With my spare time I get to train and show these beautiful horses we all love. All along passing this dream to my wife and sons who love these horses I have introduced to them over the years.

In my 18 years being a member of EMAA, you come to realize that we are more of a family than competitors. Weather its helping that fellow rider remember that “your tail isn’t down” or having the show office tell you someone “needs a shoe put back on”. We all are here to help each other out and have that great show weekend we all strive for. It has been all these great years showing with all of you that led me to try to keep the dream alive for all of our members. I hope this will be the best show season yet for all of us.

Your EMAA President,

Tyler Smith


Hi everyone! My name is Zara and I am one of your new board members. I am so excited to be one of your Director’s at Large. I have always loved EMAA’s atmosphere and have wanted to contribute in any way I can to continue to keep that family friendly feel I get from EMAA. Being one of your Director’s at Large will allow me to do that. I am very confident this year will be a great one! This year I plan to be showing Huntseat, Saddleseat and Native costume. I am so looking forward to this show season and getting back in the ring after the odd year we had in 2020. Please feel free to come say "hi" when you see me!


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